by America Learns | Apr 10, 2022 | AmeriCorps, News
We’re so excited to welcome the AmeriCorps Lunchtime Mentoring Program to the community of national service programs using the Impact Suite! Led by United Way of United Way of Franklin & Benton Counties in the state of Washington, the program’s...
by America Learns | Jul 27, 2020 | AmeriCorps, News
Sending a warm welcome to the latest Florida-based AmeriCorps program to begin using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Earn to Learn FL helps low-to-moderate income students earn a higher education with little or no student debt. It’s a simple formula that combines...
by America Learns | Jul 13, 2020 | AmeriCorps, News
A very warm welcome to 826 Boston, whose national service program is the latest to join the America Learns community. 826 Boston provides free writing and tutoring programs for Boston students ages 6 to 18, serving more than 4,500 students and forming supportive...
by America Learns | Sep 18, 2016 | Resources
Many, if not all, of the programs we serve ask themselves the same two questions all the time: – “Is my program making a impact?” and; – “Are the tools I’m using to measure this impact effective and valid?” To help programs answer this question, The...