Welcome to National PartnerCorps!

Partners for Rural Impact

We’re absolutely thrilled to welcome Partners for Rural Impact’s brand new national AmeriCorps program to the community of national service efforts using the Impact Suite!

The program, National PartnerCorps, will improve educational outcomes of students by utilizing AmeriCorps members as tutors, mentors, and family connectors. AmeriCorps members will be responsible for increasing math achievement and connecting students with postsecondary information and career experiences. National PartnerCorps members, who are trained in evidence-based supports, will improve student attendance, behavior, and course completion.  In its first year, the program will be operating in Texas and Missouri — two states with a number of organizations already using the Impact Suite to stay AmeriCorps-compliant with member files and timesheets while collecting data to tell powerful stories about their work.

PRI has been using the Impact Suite for a number of years with its original, Kentucky-based AmeriCorps program, PartnerCorps PRI.  That program has years of demonstrated success; the national program is building on that success, taking the program’s model outside of PRI’s home state.

PRI is an absolutely incredible organization that is worth learning more about.  Check out the recent article about the org in Fast Company, “How This Federally Funded Education Program Serves as a Blueprint for the Rest of Rural America.”
