Blog & News

Welcome to Volunteer Tennessee!

Welcome to Volunteer Tennessee!

A warm welcome to Volunteer Tennessee and all of Tennessee's AmeriCorps programs! For the 2024-25 program year, Volunteer Tennessee is funding 18 Tennessee AmeriCorps...

Welcome to National PartnerCorps!

Welcome to National PartnerCorps!

We're absolutely thrilled to welcome Partners for Rural Impact's brand new national AmeriCorps program to the community of national service efforts using the Impact...

Celebrating the Lifesaving Work of Vet Corps

Celebrating the Lifesaving Work of Vet Corps

This Veterans Day, we’re thrilled to spotlight the incredible impact of Vet Corps, an AmeriCorps program coordinated by the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs...

Welcome to St. Nick’s Alliance in New York!

Welcome to St. Nick’s Alliance in New York!

We’re thrilled to announce that St. Nick's Alliance (SNA), a vital community organization in Brooklyn, has chosen the Impact Suite to streamline compliance for both its...

Welcome to the Empire State Service Corps!

Welcome to the Empire State Service Corps!

We’re thrilled to announce that the Empire State Service Corps (ESSC) has joined the community of service organizations using the America Learns Impact Suite platform! ...

Welcome to Greenagers in Massachusetts!

Welcome to Greenagers in Massachusetts!

We’re thrilled to announce that Greenagers, a dynamic conservation and youth empowerment organization, has selected the Impact Suite to streamline operations for its...

Staff Workshop: The Art of Service

Staff Workshop: The Art of Service

    Join us for a workshop to explore art as a tool for reflection in our professional lives. You’ll learn how to use poetry, music, drawing, and more to...

Welcome to the Redwood Parks Conservancy!

Welcome to the Redwood Parks Conservancy!

The mission of Redwood Parks Conservancy (RPC) is to foster understanding, enjoyment, and stewardship of northern California's public lands by providing support to its...

Announcing the 2024 Workshop Series!

Announcing the 2024 Workshop Series!

At America Learns, we don't just sell a leading-edge software service backed by the best client support in the industry and call it a day.  We choose to think more...

Welcome to LUK in Massachusetts!

Welcome to LUK in Massachusetts!

LUK is a not-for-profit social service agency located in Central Massachusetts dedicated to improving the lives of youth and their families. The organization offers a...

Welcome to the Woodland Public Library!

Welcome to the Woodland Public Library!

Woodland is a city in Yolo County, California, located approximately 15 miles northwest of Sacramento.  The city's public library is the oldest, and one of the last...

Welcome to The Wild Center in New York!

Welcome to The Wild Center in New York!

The Wild Center is an incredibly unique and innovative institution that aims to ignite an enduring passion for the Adirondacks, where people and nature can thrive...

Welcome to Napa County Library!

Welcome to Napa County Library!

The percentage of adults who are functionally illiterate in Napa County, California is 11.4%.  This means that about 16,000 adults in Napa County have difficulty...

Welcome to 916 Ink in Sacramento!

Welcome to 916 Ink in Sacramento!

916 Ink is Sacramento’s arts-based creative writing and literacy nonprofit that provides workshops and tutoring to transform Sacramento youth into strong readers,...

Welcome to the Newport Beach Public Library!

Welcome to the Newport Beach Public Library!

We're so excited to begin serving Project Adult Literacy at the Newport Beach Public Library in Southern California! Since its inception in 1986, Project Adult Literacy...

Welcome to Ending Hunger Corps!

Welcome to Ending Hunger Corps!

Ending Hunger Corps is an AmeriCorps VISTA program sponsored by Maine's Department of Agriculture, Conservation, Forestry (DACF), with the goal of building capacity to...

Welcome to Vet Corps in Washington State!

Welcome to Vet Corps in Washington State!

We couldn't be more excited to begin working with Vet Corps in Washington state! Started in 2005, Vet Corps stations AmeriCorps members at colleges, universities, and...

Welcome to Generation Teach!

Welcome to Generation Teach!

Generation Teach offers AmeriCorps Summer Teaching Fellowships for college undergraduates and high-school students to try teaching in its GT STEAM Academy.  Through the...

The AmeriCorps Timesheet App is Live!

The AmeriCorps Timesheet App is Live!

We're rolling out the brand new AmeriCorps Timesheet app across our client base during the next two months, and we're feeling just so incredibly grateful for all of the...

Welcome to Lead for America!

Welcome to Lead for America!

Lead For America aims to build a leadership force of moral, dynamic, locally-rooted, and long-term committed leaders serving the communities they call home in every...

Welcome to Creative Action!

Welcome to Creative Action!

Austin, Texas-based Creative Action uses the arts as a medium to inspire creativity, unlock potentila, and transform the lives of students of all ages.  We couldn't be...

Welcome to Breakthrough Cincinnati!

Welcome to Breakthrough Cincinnati!

Breakthrough Cincinnati just became the fifth Breakthrough Collaborative affiliate to invest in the Impact Suite for its AmeriCorps programming! ​Breakthrough...

The AmeriCorps Time Sheet App is Coming!

The AmeriCorps Time Sheet App is Coming!

We sent out the following preview of the upcoming AmeriCorps timesheet app to our clients earlier this week and thought you might like a peek as well! The mobile app is...

Welcome to Housing Action Illinois!

Welcome to Housing Action Illinois!

For 35 years, Housing Action Illinois has led the movement to protect and expand the availability of quality, affordable housing in Illinois.  The organization's work...

Welcome to the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative!

Welcome to the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative!

We're thrilled to announce that the Commonwealth Cyber Initiaitve (CCI) is beginning to use the Impact Suite to track the impact of its work! CCI is Virginia’s main...

Welcome to Literacy AmeriCorps!

Welcome to Literacy AmeriCorps!

Truly excited to begin providing timesheet and AmeriCorps member file management services to Literacy AmeriCorps in Palm Beach County, Florida! Great, longstanding...

Welcome to the KY HealthCorps!

Welcome to the KY HealthCorps!

The KY HealthCorps is a brand new Public Health AmeriCorps program created to build up the healthcare workforce across Kentucky, and is one of the latest Kentucky-based...

Welcome to Collegiate Edu-Nation!

Welcome to Collegiate Edu-Nation!

We're so excited to welcome Collegiate Edu-Nation to the community of Texas-based AmeriCorps programs using the Impact Suite! CEN is a network of high-performing rural...

Welcome to Breakthrough Silicon Valley!

Welcome to Breakthrough Silicon Valley!

Breakthrough Silicon Valley is the latest Breakthrough affiliate to be using the Impact Suite, following Breakthrough Miami, Breakthrough Central Texas, and...

Welcome to Springfield College AmeriCorps!

Welcome to Springfield College AmeriCorps!

So excited to welcome Springfield College in Massachuetts so the community of higher education institutions using the Impact Suite for their AmeriCorps programs....

Welcome to Kentucky Campus Compact!

Welcome to Kentucky Campus Compact!

It's Campus Compact season here at America Learns, with the national Campus Compact office, Washington Campus Compact, and now Kentucky Campus Compact all migrating to...

Welcome to Common Threads in Washington!

Welcome to Common Threads in Washington!

So excited to welcome Washington-based Common Threads to the community of nutrition-focused organizations using the Impact Suite! Founded in 2007, Common Threads...

Welcome to the Livermore Public Library!

Welcome to the Livermore Public Library!

Established in 1986, the Livermore Public Library's Literacy Program pairs adults who want to improve their basic reading and writing skills with trained volunteer...

Welcome to EMBARC in Iowa!

Welcome to EMBARC in Iowa!

In 2008 and 2009, Karenni, Karen, Chin, Shan, Mon and Rakhine refugees from Burma started resettling to Iowa after fleeing Burma’s 70-year civil war, the longest...

Video: Impact at Land of Lincoln AmeriCorps

Video: Impact at Land of Lincoln AmeriCorps

Land of Lincoln AmeriCorps has been using the Impact Suite's AmeriCorps timesheets module since 2018. The program is made up of a consortium of three Illinois community...

Welcome to the Flint Community School Corps!

Welcome to the Flint Community School Corps!

This past fall, we began to serve a number of AmeriCorps programs in the Flint, Michigan region through the Flint National Service Accelerator.  In less than a year,...



It's always such an honor to work with AmeriCorps programs that are just starting up, which brings us to SERVE HOUSTON, the latest AmeriCorps program in Texas to use...

Break Up with Burnout!

Break Up with Burnout!

Free workshop for America Learns clients! On December 16th at 10a PT (12p CT / 1p ET), we’re bringing in Do Good Be Good’s Jill Homann -- a long-time expert in...

Welcome to the Santa Clara City Library!

Welcome to the Santa Clara City Library!

We're grateful to welcome Read Santa Clara at the Santa Clara City Library to the community of California Library Literacy Services-funded programs using the Impact...

Historic Investment Proposed for AmeriCorps

Historic Investment Proposed for AmeriCorps

From an update via the incredible team at Voices for National Service. _____ Yesterday, in an effort to reach a bicameral deal on the budget reconciliation package,...

Welcome to People Inc. & ETHOS AmeriCorps!

Welcome to People Inc. & ETHOS AmeriCorps!

People Inc. is the leading multispecialty nonprofit health and human services agency, providing programs and services to more than 10,000 people with developmental...

AmeriCorps Timesheets: 10 Years and Counting

AmeriCorps Timesheets: 10 Years and Counting

Back in 2009, a number of the AmeriCorps program directors we serve asked us to create a simpler, smarter AmeriCorps-compliant timesheet application as compared to the...

Welcome to United Way of King County!

Welcome to United Way of King County!

We're thrilled to welcome United Way of King County to the growing community of United Way affiliates using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite nationwide. United Way of King...

Welcome to Every Arkansan!

We're honored to have been selected as the impact tracking and compliance partner of Every Arkansan as it launches its first AmeriCorps program. This coming school...

Welcome to AppalCorps!

Welcome to AppalCorps!

So excited to welcome Tennessee-based AppalCorps to the community of nutrition-focused AmeriCorps programs using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite nationwide. AppalCorps is a...

Welcome to Serve Louisiana!

Welcome to Serve Louisiana!

Serve Louisiana -- the state's longest-running AmeriCorps program -- was formed in 1991 as Louisiana Delta Service Corps, part of a three-state program formed to tackle...

Welcome to Conserving Carolina!

Welcome to Conserving Carolina!

Conserving Carolina builds stronger, more educated and involved communities that understand the threats to their local environment, are equipped with the tools and...

Welcome to Literacy Volunteers of Illinois!

Thrilled to welcome Literacy Volunteers of Illinois to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite across Illinois -- along with the community of...

Welcome to Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity!

Welcome to Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity!

Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity improves the quality of life for Boise-area families by creating opportunities for affordable homeownership, preserving homeownership...

Welcome to the City of Hayward!

Welcome to the City of Hayward!

We're thrilled to welcome the City of Hayward's Literacy Plus program to the community of adult literacy programs using the Student Success Impact Suite. Literacy Plus...

Welcome to Teach Western Mass!

Welcome to Teach Western Mass!

Teach Western Mass is its region's most trusted resource for talented teachers. Fueled by the Teach Western Mass Residency, the organization helps aspiring teachers...

Welcome to the Butte County Library!

Welcome to the Butte County Library!

We're thrilled to welcome the Butte County Library to the growing community of California-based public library systems using the Impact Suite! The Butte County Library...

Welcome to the San Francisco Public Library!

Welcome to the San Francisco Public Library!

In San Francisco, it is estimated that 80,000 adults--one in every five--have some difficulty with basic reading and writing. Since 1983, Project Read has provided free...

Welcome to Hands on Nashville!

Welcome to Hands on Nashville!

The Hands On Nashville AmeriCorps Program engages civic-minded individuals in yearlong terms of public service at a local nonprofit, government department, or civic...

Welcome to Siskiyou County Library!

We're so happy to welcome Siskiyou County Library's adult literacy program to the community of California Library Literacy Services grantees using the Student Success...

Welcome to OC Read!

Welcome to OC Read!

We're thrilled to welcome the Orange County Public Libraries to the community of California-based libraries using the Student Success Impact Suite to manage volunteers...

Coming Soon: AmeriCorps App Happiness

That's right, the first-ever app made just for AmeriCorps compliance is en route for a summer 2021 landing! We're not posting many details publically yet; but, to say...

Welcome to Mission: Ignite!

Welcome to Mission: Ignite!

Sending a warm welcome to Mission Ignite: Powered by Computers for Children in Buffalo, NY -- one of the latest New York-based AmeriCorps programs to begin using the...

Welcome to the Sacramento Public Library!

Welcome to the Sacramento Public Library!

In Sacramento County, California, 13% of the total adult population lack even the most basic literacy skills. Adult learners who work with Sacramento Public Library...

Welcome to Breakthrough Atlanta!

Welcome to Breakthrough Atlanta!

Breakthrough Atlanta is the third Breakthrough Collaborative affiliate to adopt the AmeriCorps Impact Suite in the past 18 months. Breakthrough Atlanta provides a...

Welcome to NYC-based Grand St. Settlement!

Welcome to NYC-based Grand St. Settlement!

Grand Street Settlement is an historic social service institution on the Lower East Side in New York City, and was founded in 1916 in response to the needs of waves of...

Welcome to Youthbuild Louisville!

Welcome to Youthbuild Louisville!

We're thrilled to begin serving YouthBuild Louisville, an organization that takes a truly-comprehensive approach to supporting and serving young adults. YouthBuild...

Welcome to Earn to Learn FL!

Welcome to Earn to Learn FL!

Sending a warm welcome to the latest Florida-based AmeriCorps program to begin using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Earn to Learn FL helps low-to-moderate income students...

Welcome to Hindman Settlement School!

Welcome to Hindman Settlement School!

It's a thrill and honor to begin serving Hindman Settlement School's brand new AmeriCorps program! Established in 1902, Hindman Settlement School was the first rural...

Welcome to 826 Boston!

Welcome to 826 Boston!

A very warm welcome to 826 Boston, whose national service program is the latest to join the America Learns community. 826 Boston provides free writing and tutoring...

Welcome to Salisbury University in Maryland!

Welcome to Salisbury University in Maryland!

Sending a very warm welcome to Salisbury University's AmeriCorps program, ShoreCorps! ShoreCorps' mission is to strengthen the capacity of community organizations, to...

Congrats (and Welcome) to Breakthrough Miami!

Congrats (and Welcome) to Breakthrough Miami!

Breakthrough Miami delivers an academic enrichment program that uses a student-teaching-students model to ensure that motivated, under-resourced middle-school students...

The Great Covid-19 Pivot (Video)

The Great Covid-19 Pivot (Video)

To witness nearly every organization we serve pivoting during the past two+ months has been soul-charging and breathtaking.  Services have gone virtual, volunteers and...

AClist is Back!

In partnership with AmeriCorps program staff from across the country, we are absolutely thrilled to announce the revival of AClist -- the national listserv for...

Desk Audit Success in Arizona!

Desk Audit Success in Arizona!

During the past several months, we've quietly released a new service for the AmeriCorps community that makes desk audits and member file reviews far easier for both...

Welcome to CAPK!

Welcome to CAPK!

So excited to begin working with the newest AmeriCorps program in California, managed by Community Action Partnership of Kern. Each CAPK member will have one of two...

New York Times Highlights FoodCorps!

New York Times Highlights FoodCorps!

We're just so proud of our people at FoodCorps, and so grateful for the decade of trust they put in us to collect their AmeriCorps program's data. Check out this recent...

Welcome to Breakthrough Central Texas!

Welcome to Breakthrough Central Texas!

We're thrilled to welcome Breakthrough Central Texas to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite in Texas and nationwide. Breakthrough is a...

Welcome to the Chula Vista Public Library!

Welcome to the Chula Vista Public Library!

We're so excited to welcome the Chula Vista Public Library to the community of California libraries using the Student Success Impact Suite! The program provides various...

Welcome to Mission: St. Louis!

Welcome to Mission: St. Louis!

We're thrilled to welcome Mission: St. Louis to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Mission: St. Louis serves as an umbrella agency with...

Warm Welcome to Chicago HOPES for Kids

Warm Welcome to Chicago HOPES for Kids

Chicago HOPES for Kids empowers children experiencing homelessness by providing direct academic support in Chicago’s homeless shelters.  Children who are...

Welcome to Intermountain AmeriCorps!

Welcome to Intermountain AmeriCorps!

Intermountain AmeriCorps, one of the longest-standing national service programs in the nation, has served rural school districts and community agencies in North Central...

Welcome to the Bronco Tutor Program!

Boise State University's Bronco Tutor Program uses AmeriCorps members to provide literacy services to elementary school students and to provide capacity building...

Welcome to College Advising Corps!

Welcome to College Advising Corps!

Last year at this time, a College Advising Corps partner, Furman University, began to use the AmeriCorps Impact Suite to make AmeriCorps timesheets easy.  As a result...

Welcome to the Long Beach Public Library!

Welcome to the Long Beach Public Library!

We're thrilled to welcome the Long Beach Public Library to the community of California library systems adopting the Student Success Impact Suite for their adult...

Welcome to the Ventura County Library!

Welcome to the Ventura County Library!

We're so excited for the opportunity to begin serving Ventura County Library's adult literacy program. Since 1984, the program has helped adults improve reading and...

Welcome to the Los Angeles County Library!

Welcome to the Los Angeles County Library!

The Los Angeles County library just launched its first adult literacy tutoring program and has selected the Student Success Impact Suite as its platform to manage,...

Our Work with Serve Kentucky

Our Work with Serve Kentucky

Serve Kentucky currently administers 20 AmeriCorps programs with more than $11.5 million in federal grant funds along with supporting other community service programs...

Welcome to the Alameda County Library!

Welcome to the Alameda County Library!

The Alameda County library’s award-winning Adult Education and Literacy Services is now using the Student Success Impact Suite to manage, monitor, and grow its...

Welcome to the Camarillo Public Library!

Welcome to the Camarillo Public Library!

We're feeling excited and grateful to begin working with the Adult Literacy Center at the Camarillo Public Library in Southern California! The library offers three...

Welcome to For Love of Children!

Welcome to For Love of Children!

We're so excited to begin working with DC-based For Love of Children! FLOC provides educational services beyond the classroom to help students succeed from first grade...

The AmeriCorps Logo Maker is Here!

The AmeriCorps Logo Maker is Here!

We've heard from a number of AmeriCorps program leaders we serve that they would like to have one of those fancy AmeriCorps logos with their program's name at the...

Welcome to CitySquare AmeriCorps in Texas!

Welcome to CitySquare AmeriCorps in Texas!

We're thrilled to welcome CitySquare to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! With the support of the OneStar Foundation, CitySquare...

Welcome to Youth Villages!

Welcome to Youth Villages!

The Youth Villages Inner Harbour Campus is one of Georgia’s largest psychiatric residential treatment programs for children and youth with serious emotional...

Welcome to the Salinas Public Libraries!

Welcome to the Salinas Public Libraries!

We're thrilled to welcome the Salinas Public Library system's adult literacy program to the America Learns Network community. The library system will be using the...

Health360 + America Learns (Video)

Health360 + America Learns (Video)

Health360's two AmeriCorps programs have used the AmeriCorps Impact Suite for several years. MHFA Corps' 20 full-time members support widespread implementation of...

Welcome to Mesa United Way!

Welcome to Mesa United Way!

We're thrilled to welcome the Mesa United Way's two AmeriCorps programs to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite!  A majority of AmeriCorps...

FRYSC Corps + America Learns (Video)

FRYSC Corps + America Learns (Video)

FRYSC Corps provides caring and compassionate literacy tutors for students in Kentucky schools who are at risk for academic failure.  Each FRYSC AmeriCorps member...

Mt. Adams Institute + America Learns (Video)

Mt. Adams Institute + America Learns (Video)

The Mt. Adams Institute has been using the timesheet portion of the AmeriCorps Impact Suite for five years.  We're so grateful for the partnership. Based in the state...

Welcome to the Sonoma County Library!

Welcome to the Sonoma County Library!

We're thrilled to welcome the Sonoma County Library's Adult Literacy Program to the growing number of library-based literacy programs using the Student Success Impact...

CAC AmeriCorps + America Learns (Video)

CAC AmeriCorps + America Learns (Video)

Based in Tennessee, the the Knoxville–Knox County Community Action Committee delivers efficient services to help people achieve self-sufficiency and independent living....

AmeriCorps Cape Cod + America Learns (Video)

AmeriCorps Cape Cod + America Learns (Video)

AmeriCorps Cape Cod is a 32 member national service program that focuses on meeting Cape Cod’s critical and pressing environmental and disaster response needs. Andrew...

ATEAM AmeriCorps + America Learns (Video)

ATEAM AmeriCorps + America Learns (Video)

We just received this homemade video from Shannon Bailes, the program director of ATEAM AmeriCorps in Kentucky.  Watch the video to learn what she has invested in the...

Welcome to Arizona Serve!

Welcome to Arizona Serve!

We're honored that Arizona Serve has decided to invest in the complete AmeriCorps Impact Suite for its many national service programs -- both AmeriCorps*State/National...

Welcome to Blueprint Schools Network!

Welcome to Blueprint Schools Network!

We're thrilled to welcome Blueprint Schools Network and its Fellows program to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! The Blueprint Fellows...

Welcome to Prevention Corps!

Welcome to Prevention Corps!

We're grateful for the opportunity to begin working with another organization addressing the U.S. opioid epidemic: The Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership...

Welcome to 4-H CAPITAL in Travis County!

Welcome to 4-H CAPITAL in Travis County!

4-H CAPITAL AmeriCorps Afterschool Instructors lead and assist with hands-on science activities for at-risk youth elementary and middle school students across Travis...

Welcome to College Access Now!

Welcome to College Access Now!

We're excited to welcome College Access Now to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Seattle-based CAN provides personalized and practical...

Welcome to United Way of Greater Atlanta!

Welcome to United Way of Greater Atlanta!

United Way of Greater Atlanta's Project Health Access is the first public health-focused AmeriCorps program in the South to invest in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite for...

Welcome to Frostburg State University!

Welcome to Frostburg State University!

We're thrilled to begin serving Frostburg State's longstanding AmeriCorps program, A STAR! (Appalachian Service Through Action and Resources). A STAR! was established...

Welcome to Christian Appalachian Project!

Welcome to Christian Appalachian Project!

As the 12th-largest human services charity in the United States, Christian Appalachian Project served over 36,000 eastern Kentuckians during its most recent fiscal...

Welcome to Montana Campus Compact!

Welcome to Montana Campus Compact!

We're grateful that Montana Campus Compact recently adopted the AmeriCorps Impact Suite to bring significant efficiencies to its member management and timesheet...

Welcome to the Solano County Library!

Welcome to the Solano County Library!

We're thrilled to welcome the Solano Country Library Adult Literacy and ESL Programs to the community of California Library Literacy programs using the Impact Suite!...

Welcome to New England Science & Sailing!

Welcome to New England Science & Sailing!

We're so excited to begin working with another Connecticut-based AmeriCorps program: The New England Science & Sailing Foundation! The NESS SEA (STEM Education...

Welcome to Prevent Child Abuse California!

Welcome to Prevent Child Abuse California!

Prevent Child Abuse California (PCA CA), an affiliate of Prevent Child Abuse America, coordinates the good work of all the state's child abuse prevention agencies and...

Welcome to Delta Reads Plus!

Welcome to Delta Reads Plus!

We're thrilled to welcome Delta State University's new Delta Reads Plus effort to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite. Housed at the...

Welcome to Community Mediation Maryland!

Welcome to Community Mediation Maryland!

We're so excited to begin working with Community Mediation Maryland's AmeriCorps program.   Over the years, the program has inspired other organizations to create...

Welcome to Barnstable County!

Welcome to Barnstable County!

We're so excited to welcome another conservation-focused national service effort to the America Learns community! Meet Barnstable County AmeriCorps Cape Cod, a...

Welcome to the Azusa City Library!

Welcome to the Azusa City Library!

We're thrilled to announce that the Azusa City Library's adult literacy program is now using the Education & Human Development Impact Suite! The Library offers two...

Welcome to Super Stars Literacy!

Welcome to Super Stars Literacy!

Super Stars Literacy in Oakland, California provides extended learning time intervention services to under-performing K-2nd grade students, helping them develop the...

Welcome to Operation UNITE!

Welcome to Operation UNITE!

Operation UNITE works to rid communities of illegal drug use through undercover narcotics investigations, coordinating treatment for substance abusers, providing...

Timesheets Should Bring Joy, Not “Oy”

When was the last time your AmeriCorps members created a video about their joyful experience with your program's timesheet system? Here's a quick oldie-but-goodie from...

Welcome to Youth Action Project!

Welcome to Youth Action Project!

The Youth Action Project is a non-profit organization that works to empower San Bernardino, California youth to develop the skills and habits needed to experience...

Welcome to Great Oaks Charter Schools!

Welcome to Great Oaks Charter Schools!

We're so pleased to welcome Great Oaks Charter Schools to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite. Great Oaks launches and supports charter...

Welcome to Massachusetts Promise Fellowship!

Welcome to Massachusetts Promise Fellowship!

We're so excited to announce that the Massachusetts Promise Fellowship has invested in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! AmeriCorps Massachusetts Promise Fellows deliver the...

Welcome to Aspire! Afterschool

Welcome to Aspire! Afterschool

We're excited to welcome Aspire! Afterschool to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite to help young people fulfill their potential through...

Welcome to the Los Angeles Public Library!

Welcome to the Los Angeles Public Library!

This past winter, the Los Angeles Public Library's Adult Literacy Services division began to pilot the Education & Human Development Impact Suite.  We're thrilled...

Welcome to the Monrovia Public Library

We're excited to announce that the Monrovia Public Library's Literacy Services division is beginning to use the Education & Human Development Impact Suite. The...

Welcome to the East Harlem Tutorial Program!

Welcome to the East Harlem Tutorial Program!

We're excited to announce that East Harlem Tutorial Program is investing in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite's timesheets module for one of its newest programs, the East...

Register for this Season’s Action Hours!

Register for this Season’s Action Hours!

Since 2008, we've been leading web-based Action Hours to help leaders of social impact efforts make concrete advances in their operations.  More than a webinar, each...

Welcoming the City Service Corps!

Welcoming the City Service Corps!

Since 2011, NYC Service and other New York City-based government agencies have used the AmeriCorps Impact Suite to monitor impact, inform stakeholders of that impact,...

Welcome to Social Capital Inc!

Welcome to Social Capital Inc!

We're thrilled to welcome Social Capital Inc. as one of the latest organizations to invest in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite's timesheet service! SCI's 25 full-time...

Welcome to TCAC!

We're excited to welcome Tennessee's Community Assistance Corporation as one of the latest organizations to invest in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite.  TCAC will use the...

Welcome to Reading Assist Institute!

Welcome to Reading Assist Institute!

We're excited to announce that Reading Assist Institute in Delaware is among the latest organizations to invest in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite.  RAI will use the Impact...

Welcome to Catholic Charities USA!

Welcome to Catholic Charities USA!

We're excited to announce that Catholic Charities USA is the latest organization to invest in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite.  CCUSA will be using the Impact Suite...

Welcome to Wisconsin HealthCorps!

Welcome to Wisconsin HealthCorps!

We're excited to announce that the Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association is the most recent organization to invest in the AmeriCorps Impact Suite to measure,...

Welcome to Civic Works!

Welcome to Civic Works!

We're thrilled to welcome Civic Works to the community of national service programs using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Civic Works, a nonprofit working in Baltimore for...

Welcome to New Sector Alliance!

Welcome to New Sector Alliance!

We're thrilled to welcome New Sector Alliance to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite. New Sector’s fellowship programs bring together...

Welcome to Northwestern CT AHEC!

Welcome to Northwestern CT AHEC!

We're excited to announce that the two AmeriCorps programs lead by Northwestern CT AHEC are beginning to use the timesheets and communications portions of the...

Welcome to Cities in Schools!

Welcome to Cities in Schools!

We're thrilled to welcome Oklahoma-based Cities in Schools to the community of national service programs using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Cities in Schools provides...

Success! First Annual America Learns Jam

Success! First Annual America Learns Jam

This past week, a number of nonprofit leaders who use the Impact Suite were in Chicago for the first annual America Learns Jam.  The Jam brought together folks who we...

You Can Have Your Cake…

You Can Have Your Cake…

Yesterday, we received an e-mail from the leader of a Connecticut-based program we serve, MYO AmeriCorps.  That e-mail contained the image below (along with others) of...

Impact at AmeriCorps Tallahassee

Impact at AmeriCorps Tallahassee

At least once a year, we spend 90 minutes with each of the leaders using the Impact Suite's Data+, Learning, and Communications services, figuring out how we can...

“A Blessing”

“A Blessing”

We just received the following e-mail from Volunteer Mississippi's AmeriCorps Program Officer.  The e-mail is about the service commission's use of the AmeiCorps Impact...

Welcome to Serve New York!

We're so excited to welcome Serve New York to the community of organizations using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite! Serve New York is focused on eliminating poverty through...

Kale Man and Bucky Leaves!

Kale Man and Bucky Leaves!

Impact Suite member Farm to School AmeriCorps in Wisconsin recently shared the following photos with us, and we just had to share them with you. Kelly Hammond, a...

Blue Engine Featured in Video on!

Blue Engine Featured in Video on!

AmeriCorps Impact Suite member Blue Engine was just featured on in a documentary short about the power of the American dream. The film follows Estiven, the...

Welcome to Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College!

Welcome to Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College!

We're so excited to welcome Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University to the AmeriCorps Impact Suite community! The Teachers College is leading a new...

Evaluating Data Products and Services

Evaluating Data Products and Services

Recently, Data Analysts for Social Good asked us to provide nonprofit leaders with a run-down of the most important parts of evaluating and on-boarding data products...

Impact at ARYSE

Impact at ARYSE

In 2013 and 2014, the Alliance for Refugee Youth Support and Education used the Education & Human Development Impact Suite to get the data and feedback the...

FoodCorps is Changing School Lunches

FoodCorps is Changing School Lunches

We've all heard the horror stories of why school lunch isn't fit to eat, and now FoodCorps is rising to the challenge of what's wrong with school lunch in America....

Welcome to Cradle Beach!

Welcome to Cradle Beach!

We're excited to welcome Buffalo, New York-based Cradle Beach to the America Learns Impact Suite community. Cradle Beach just won an extraordinarily competitive grant...

Great Night at the AmeriCorps Symposium!

Great Night at the AmeriCorps Symposium!

Last night, we hosted a party at ArtJamz for the AmeriCorps Impact Suite members attending this year's AmeriCorps Symposium. We're now not only impressed by the...

Free, Unlimited Text Messages!

Free, Unlimited Text Messages!

It's not a cell phone add.  It's an invitation for you to reach your people immediately. Members of the Impact Suite community have told us that their volunteers,...

Connections to eGrants and My AmeriCorps

A number of AmeriCorps program leaders have been approaching us with questions about the Impact Suite's ability to "connect with" eGrants and My AmeriCorps.  Other...

“Fool Proof”

It's crucial that AmeriCorps programs have impact-advancing and compliance systems that not only work, but are self-explanatory and simple to use. We just received the...

Welcome to the Illinois Bar Foundation!

We're so excited to welcome the Illinois Bar Foundation to the America Learns community!The Foundation administers Illinois JusticeCorps, which places college and law...

Welcome to America Reads – Mississippi!

Welcome to America Reads – Mississippi!

We're thrilled to announce that America Reads - Mississippi (ARM) has joined the the America Learns community! ARM is one of the nation's longest-standing national...

Welcome to Wisconsin Farm To School!

Welcome to Wisconsin Farm To School!

We're psyched to welcome Wisconsin's AmeriCorps Farm to School program to the America Learns community! Based out of Wisconsin's Department of Agriculture, Trade &...

Welcome to the Leon County Schools!

We're excited to welcome the Leon County Schools' AmeriCorps program, AmeriCorps Tallahassee, to the AmeriCorps Impact Suite community! AmeriCorps Tallahassee members...

Welcome to the City and County of Denver!

Welcome to the City and County of Denver!

We're so excited to begin working with Denver Human Services' AmeriCorps program, Community Building Partnering for Youth in Transition! CBPYT engages AmeriCorps...

Welcome to Lake County AmeriCorps!

Welcome to Lake County AmeriCorps!

We're thrilled to welcome Lake County AmeriCorps to the community of organizations that is using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite. Based in California, Lake County...

Breaking Habits to Drive Social Change

Breaking Habits to Drive Social Change

Our Founder and CEO, Gary Kosman, recently keynoted the convocation at Northwestern University's School of Education and Social Policy.  Check out the video below to...

Are You Stuffing Outcomes Down Your Shirt?

Are You Stuffing Outcomes Down Your Shirt?

I ran into the following clip from I Love Lucy a few days ago and couldn't help to think about outcomes. Take a look at the clip through the 2:45 mark.  Let's break the...

Congrats to Energy Corps!

Congrats to Energy Corps!

We're so excited that Energy Corps has received two new grants to continue its meaningful work across the country.  The grants allow Energy Corps to expand its work in...

Impact at Montana State Parks

Impact at Montana State Parks

Below you'll find an e-mail we received from Montana State Parks AmeriCorps (MPSA) today about our work together during the past two years.  MPSA was the first state...

Impact at Vet Corps in Washington State

Impact at Vet Corps in Washington State

Yesterday at NCVS, Wendy Spencer highlighted three national service programs during the closing plenary.  One of those programs was Washington State-based Vet Corps....

Are You Meeting Millennials Where They Are?

Are You Meeting Millennials Where They Are?

So many of the organizations we serve have shared stories with us about having a tough time communicating with Millennials.  Much of our team is actually made up of...

Welcome to Partners in Care Foundation!

We're excited to welcome Partners in Care Foundation's new AmeriCorps program to the America Learns Network community. Strength to Serve: Peer Service for Veteran...

A Warm Welcome to California Veterans Corps

We're so excited to welcome the new California Veterans Corps (CalVet Corps) program to the America Learns Network community! For those who have served in our country’s...

Welcome to VetsWork!

We're excited to welcome VetsWork to the America Learns Network community! VetsWork, a brand new program of the Mt. Adams Institute, is an eleven month environment...

From NYC’s Mayor’s Office…

We've been fortunate to work with the NYC Mayor's Office for the past three years, helping its NYC Service team with all-things AmeriCorps -- from timesheets to...

A Place for Mindfulness Amid Grant Pressures?

A Place for Mindfulness Amid Grant Pressures?

I recently returned from the South Cluster National Service Conference in Nashville, where I was asked to create space for AmeriCorps and RSVP program leaders to really...

Expansion of Work with ABLE in New York!

We're thrilled to announce that we're expanding the scope of our work with AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education (ABLE) in Western New York. Two years ago, ABLE...

Welcome to Opportunity Corps!

Based in Buffalo, NY, Opportunity Corps is committed to fighting poverty and helping individuals achieve economic self-sufficiency through financial education and...

FoodCorps Earns Investment from New Profit

FoodCorps Earns Investment from New Profit

New Profit, the national venture philanthropy fund that harnesses America's spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship to help solve our country's biggest social...

Welcome to Blue Engine!

Welcome to Blue Engine!

Success in college is shaped by many factors, but research has consistently shown that academic rigor during high school is the single strongest predictor of whether...

Welcome to Our New Website!

Thanks for visiting our brand new site! We'll be using this space to share news about our work, about our clients' amazing accomplishments in the field, and about...