Welcome to Housing Action Illinois!

Housing Action Illinois

For 35 years, Housing Action Illinois has led the movement to protect and expand the availability of quality, affordable housing in Illinois.  The organization’s work has led to tens of thousands of new homes being built, hundreds of thousands of people going from housing insecurity or homelessness to having stable homes, and millions of renters gaining better protections.  Working with its members and allies, Housing Action has created access and housing opportunities in every community throughout Illinois.

Since 2010, Housing Action has managed a network of AmeriCorps members in the VISTA program, with up to 30 full-year AmeriCorps members and 30+ AmeriCorps Summer Associates serving each year.  VISTAs help nonprofit organizations build their capacity to meet community needs by improving and expanding their services and creating new programs.

As Housing Action’s VISTA program evolves and grows, the organization was looking for a one-stop data system to eliminate paperwork and Google Sheets, easily manage AmeriCorps member enrollment, collect and use impact data, simplify timesheets, and simplify communication with VISTAs and staff of host organizations.

Those goals led the organization to invest in the Impact Suite, joining the likes of Rebuilding Together, LISC, and the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan — organizations with complementary missions — to invest in the Impact Suite for its national service efforts.
