Delaware-based SummerCollab empowers community-based agencies to execute high quality summer learning programs through the Summer Literacy Corps. Through intentional interviewing, quality training and precise placement, AmeriCorps members are equipped to work with partner sites to bring more choices and more chances to children during the summer months.
During the Summer Literacy Corps’ first year, 87% of campers reversed summer learning loss, while making average literacy gains of over three months. A corresponding, and deeply significant, outcome was the impact that Corps Members had on their campers, increasing campers’ love of reading and their belief in themselves and their abilities. Their attitudes transformed from “I don’t want to read” to “Can you take me to read?” The camps were on fire with love of reading and learning, and campers returned to school equipped to engage and excel.
We’re grateful to be SummerCollab’s new partners in AmeriCorps timesheet and member files compliance while helping the organization to track its impact each summer. Welcome to the national community of programs using the AmeriCorps Impact Suite!