The percentage of adults who are functionally illiterate in Napa County, California is 11.4%. This means that about 16,000 adults in Napa County have difficulty reading, writing, and performing basic math skills. Functional illiteracy can limit a person’s ability to participate in society, access information, stay connected with their children’s teachers and school administrators, and pursue their goals.
The Napa County Library’s Literacy Center directly addresses this issue, providing free, high-quality one-on-one tutoring to adult learners. Adults served by the program achieve personal goals such as learning the alphabet, reading a book for the first time, getting a job, sharing a book with a child, reading a medicine label, volunteering in the community, and voting. Literacy programs in California’s public libraries change the lives of nearly 16,000 Californians every year.
The Literacy Center will be using the Impact Suite to help staff spend far more time focused on program quality, and less time on paperwork and other administrative burdens. Moving forward, the Literacy Center will have a one-stop-shop to manage tutor and learner enrollment, impact tracking, ongoing tutor professional development, communications with tutors and learners, and so much more.
If you’d like to warm up your heart, check out these stories by some of the people Napa County Library’s Literacy Center has served!