More than one third of California public libraries receiving California Library Literacy Services funding are using the Impact Suite to manage and strengthen their programs throughout the year. We’re honored that as the County of San Luis Obispo Public Libraries prepare to re-launch their adult literacy programming, that this library system has chosen the Impact Suite as it’s program management, impact tracking, tutor support, and grant compliance platform.
California Library Literacy Services was developed in 1984 as the first statewide library-based adult literacy service. Since then, library literacy programs have helped more than a quarter of a million learners and their families.
Adults in California’s library literacy programs achieve personal goals such as learning the alphabet, reading a book for the first time, getting a job, sharing a book with a child, reading a medicine label, volunteering in the community, and voting. Literacy programs in California’s public libraries change the lives of nearly 16,000 Californians every year.