Impact Suite member Farm to School AmeriCorps in Wisconsin recently shared the following photos with us, and we just had to share them with you.
Kelly Hammond, a Nutrition Educator with the AmeriCorps program, put together a lesson on food marketing where students worked to create marketing ideas to encourage other kids to eat more healthy fruits and vegetables. Enter KALE MAN!
The student who created Kale Man had just tried kale chips for the first time and loved them. He created his kale mascot to represent the vegetable and to encourage more kids to try our green leafy friend. The yellow in the photo is actually a cheese “hat” as the kale chips the student tried were topped with some Wisconsin cheddar.
Now, meet BUCKY LEAVES! This drawing is from a fifth grader in Appleton, WI. The student decided to rebrand kale as “Bucky Leaves,” thinking that that name would appeal more to kids. (We totally agree, by the way.)
Kelly, the AmeriCorps member who inspired the activity writes, “Of all the vegetable tastings I’ve done this year… kale chips have been the number one favorite among students.” Kale industry, we hope you’re listening to your new marketing team.